2020 Nauta Pharmacochemistry Award for Prof. Adriaan IJzerman

The 2020 Nauta Pharmacochemistry Award for Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology has been awarded to: Prof. Adriaan IJzerman (Leiden University).
For his leading contributions as a pioneer of GPCR drug discovery and structural biology, and his support of the medicinal chemistry and chemical biology community. His research led to over 450 publications, many of them achieving high international visibility. An excellent mentor and lecturer, Ad IJzerman played an active role in the International LACDR School on Medicinal Chemistry. He also chaired the medicinal chemistry division of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society, organized many scientific symposia, and led several international research networks.
The "Nauta Pharmacochemistry Award for Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology" was established to honour the memory of Prof. Dr. W. Th. Nauta, whose activities have been very important for the advancement of Medicinal Chemistry in general, and the development of international organisational structures for this discipline.
The Nauta Award will acknowledge outstanding results of scientific research in the field of Medicinal Chemistry obtained by scientists without restriction regarding nationality. The award is given biennially and consists of a diploma, € 7.500 and an invitation to present a lecture at an EFMC-ISMC symposium.
Bron: EFMC
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