1. Aim
The aim of the Division is first of all to stimulate:
a. research and education in the field of medicinal chemistry.
b. scientific contacts between the Division’s members and other individuals, organisations and associations active in the field of medicinal chemistry, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
Medicinal chemistry is understood to mean the science concerned with the design, synthesis and interpretation of biologically active compounds at the molecular level for use as pharmaceutical drugs.
Medicinal chemistry is a field that links scientific disciplines and allows for collaboration between scientists from biological, pharmaceutical, medical and chemical sciences.
2. Approach
The Division aims to achieve its objective by organising meetings and symposiums, giving presentations and promoting medicinal chemistry research.
3. Membership
Honorary members, regular members, housemate members or associate members of the KNCV can become members of the Division Medicinal Chemistry. Professionals who are not affiliated with the KNCV can join the Division as extraordinary members. Applications for extraordinary membership must be submitted to the Board of the Division Medicinal Chemistry and must be approved with due observance of the regulations of the KNCV. Applications for membership that are rejected must be considered at the next general meeting of the Division. If more than a fourth of the members present at the meeting vote to reject the application, the applicant shall be rejected as a member.
In the event of death or failure of a member to pay timely any fees owed, membership is terminated at the end of the current association year with due observance of a notice period of one month.
4. Board
The Board of the Division Medicinal Chemistry consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of seven members, who are elected by the Division’s members. The chairman, secretary, and treasurer must be KNCV members with voting rights.
Board members are elected for a period of three years. Board members may be re-elected once and then must retire from the Board.
New board members can only be appointed on recommendation of the Board. Ten members of the Division Medicinal Chemistry with voting rights may propose a candidate for consideration for board membership.
In consultation with the General Board of the KNCV, the Board of the Division Medicinal Chemistry shall appoint one contact person for communication purposes. This contact person can be a board member, but this is not mandatory.
The contact person of the Division Medicinal Chemistry on the Board of the KNCV may also be a contact person for another division. The secretariat of the KNCV supports the secretary and treasurer of the Division and the Board in carrying out administrative and accounting responsibilities, such as updating the membership list, collecting membership fees and sending written notices.
The secretary of the Division submits a report to the Board of the KNCV annually in March, listing the activities carried out by the Division in the previous year.
5. Meetings
Meetings are convened on the initiative of the Board of the Division Medicinal Chemistry. If at least 10 division members with voting rights deem it necessary, a general meeting will be convened by the Board. Meetings are open to all members of the Division.
All meetings should be convened in writing at least 14 days in advance, stating the place and time for the meeting. If desired, a notice can also be published in C2W.
General meetings on division-related items are held at least once a year. These meetings are led by the chairman of the Division, or in case of his/her absence, another board member. Meetings held during KNCV events are open to all members of the KNCV. Part of these meetings may be closed if the subject matter discussed concerns household affairs.
Individuals who are not members of the KNCV may be granted access to division meetings after prior written permission is obtained from the Board.
6. Fees
Each member is required to pay annual dues. The membership fee is the amount proposed by the Board at the general meeting and agreed upon by the members. Annual dues shall be payable at the start of the association year, running from 1 January to 31 December.
Once a year during the general meeting, the treasurer shall give account of the way he/she has carried out his/her tasks and responsibilities. A Financial Commission, consisting of at least two members, shall verify the financial data of the prior year. The treasurer can be discharged at the commission’s request.
7. Voting
Only honorary members of the Division or members of the KNCV have the right to vote on matters concerning the KNCV. Both regular members and extraordinary members of the Division have the right to vote on all other issues requiring a membership vote. Issues raised at division meetings shall be decided by majority vote of voting members present at the meeting, either orally or in writing.
Decisions with regard to the appointment of a person shall by adopted by secret written vote, using sealed, unsigned ballot papers; decisions that do not concern the appointment of a person shall be adopted by oral vote, unless decided otherwise during the meeting. Abstentions or signed ballot papers are considered as votes that have not been cast. If, in the event of a decision with regard to the appointment of a person, none of the candidates has achieved a common majority after a first ballot, a second ballot shall be held between the two candidates who obtained the majority of votes in the first ballot. After the second ballot the person who has acquired the majority of votes shall be elected. In the event of an equal division of the votes the outcome shall be decided by lot.
In the event of a tied vote with regard to a decision to be taken by the Division that does not concern the appointment of a person, the Board has the deciding vote.
8. General Provisions
These Internal Regulations may be amended or supplemented pursuant to a resolution of the general meeting passed by an absolute majority of votes.
The Division may at any time be dissolved by a resolution of the general meeting passed by an absolute majority of votes, with the proviso that such majority represents more than two-thirds of the members with voting rights. If the latter obligation is not complied with, an extraordinary general meeting shall be convened within two to six months for the purpose of passing the resolution by a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes cast. In the event of dissolution of the Division, all remaining liquid resources shall revert to the KNCV.
9. Final Provision
In cases not provided for in these bylaws, a decision will be taken by the Board of the Division Medicinal Chemistry, which is directly accountable to the general meeting.
(Approved on 27 August 1971)